How to protect your eyes from computer glare

This article discusses ways to protect your eyes while using computers.

If you use the computer frequently, you may be causing damage to your eyes from the constant strain of staring at the brightly lit monitor. However, you don’t need to stop using your computer. There are many things you can do to alleviate permanent damage to your eyes.

The most important thing you can do to protect your eyes while you are using a computer is to take frequent breaks. Get up and leave your computer work station for a few minutes every hour or so. Your eyes will be doing a completely different type of work and will not get as strained as they would if you kept staring at the screen. Next, take the time to look away from the screen every ten minutes for just a few seconds. Ideally, you should have a soothing scene to stare at. Every half hour or so, you should take a full minute to rest your eyes by closing them. Just a short break will really help refresh tired eyes.

Next, make sure you are wearing glasses with the proper prescription. A prescription that is too weak or too strong is already causing eye strain. If you are using the wrong prescription while using the computer, you are making your eyes work even harder.

If the lenses of your glasses are the proper strength, you may still want to take a trip to your eye doctor. The lightest tint on the lenses will cut down on glare from the monitor’s screen but will not interfere with your ability to see while you are indoors. You can obtain additional protection from the monitor’s glare by purchasing a glare shield that hooks to the front of your monitor’s screen.

Proper lighting is another important way to protect your eyes. Take a look around your office. Are you squinting in the too bright sunlight streaming in through the windows? Make sure the window blinds are positioned correctly to keep out bright morning or afternoon sun. You may want to move your desk to another location in the office if you can’t keep the sun from reflecting off of your monitor’s screen. Is your monitor’s screen the only light in a dark hole? Buy a good desk lamp. If there is no other light source, your eyes will work harder when you are using the computer, since they will be completely focused on the screen.

Finally, take the time to do eye exercises to strengthen your eyes. These simple exercises will help combat the damage of heavy computer use. Each exercise should be done for ten seconds. First, look up as far as you can without moving your head. Then look down without moving your head. Next, shut your eyes tightly. After you open your eyes, look as far as you can to the left, using only your eyes. Then, look to the right. Finally, roll your eyes clockwise and then counterclockwise. If you repeat these exercises once a day, you can actually reverse the damage to your eyesight that was caused by heavy computer use.


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Our eyes and vision were designed for viewing distance as hunters and gatherers, and not for ongoing near work as required by regular computer use. As a result, Computer Eye Strain is becoming one of the major eye complaints heard by eye doctors today.

Symptoms can include increased myopia, blurred vision, headaches, slow refocusing, difficulty concentrating, neck, shoulder and back pain

Eye strain can be reduced significantly by taking regular breaks from the computer, resting your eyes, stretching and doing eye exercises.

For a demo of 3 great eye exercises by Dr. Grossman, one of the Country's leading behavioral optometrists, go to

Dr. Grossman also offers his free eye exercise booklet at his website at Natural Eye Care Free Eye Exercises with his 11 favorite eye exercises and acupressure eye points to massage regularly.

Finally, there is also an excellent section at his website on "Computer Eye Strain" under "Eye Diseases" that provides a Computer Eye Strain “Self-Help“ section with great tips of relieving eyestrain due to computer use.

For more information, go to Natural Eye Care for Computer Eye Strain

Mutiara Kata

"Kegagalan hari Ini bererti pendorong, namun kejayaan semalam bukan bererti kemegahan, oleh itu gantungkanlah cita-citamu setinggi-tinggi bintang di langit, dan rendahkanlah dirimu serendah-rendah rumput di bumi"

"Sahabat yang beriman ibarat mentari yang menyinar. Sahabat yang setia bagai pewangi yang mengharumkan. Sahabat sejati menjadi pendorong impian. Sahabat berhati mulia membawa kita ke jalan Allah"

"Orang yang cemerlang melihat setiap halangan sebagai peluang untuk mengasah potensi, manakala orang yang tidak cemerlang menganggap setiap halangan sebagai alasan yang menyebabkan kemundurannya"

"Perancangan yang teliti memainkan peranan yang penting dalam hidup manusia, jika anda mempunyai matlamat atau tujuan hidup jelas, anda harus merancangnya dengan teliti agar dapat menuju kearah sasaran dengan tepat"

"Berusahalah dengan ikhlas tanpa memikirkan balasan semata-mata, kerana semakin tinggi keikhlasan di dalam diri, semakin tinggilah balasan baik yang akan diperolehi dalam keadaan sedar atau tidak"

''Sesuatu kejayaan adalah lebih bermakna apabila ia disertai usaha yang bersungguh-sungguh...orang yang mudah berputus asa tidak mungkin beroleh kejayaan yang cemerlang. Biarlah bersusah dahulu, asalkan senang kemudian''

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1. Sesungguhnya seorang hamba itu bila merasa ujub kerana suatu perhiasan dunia, niscaya Allah akan murka kepadanya hingga dia melepaskan perhiasan itu.
2. Semoga aku menjadi pohon yang ditebang kemudian digunakan.
3. Dia berkata kepada para sahabat,"Sesungguhnya aku telah mengatur urusan kamu, tetapi aku bukanlah org yg paling baik di kalangan kamu maka berilah pertolongan kepadaku. Kalau aku bertindak lurus maka ikutilah aku tetapi kalau aku menyeleweng maka betulkan aku!"

1. Jika tidak karena takut dihisab, sesungguhnya aku akan perintahkan membawa seekor kambing, kemudian dipanggang untuk kami di depan pembakar roti.
2. Barangsiapa takut kepada Allah SWT nescaya tidak akan dapat dilihat kemarahannya. Dan barangsiapa takut pada Allah, tidak sia-sia apa yang dia kehendaki.
3. Wahai Tuhan, janganlah Engkau jadikan kebinasaan umat Muhammad SAW di atas tanganku. Wahai Tuhanku, umurku telah lanjut dan kekuatanku telah lemah. Maka genggamkan (matikan) aku untukMu bukan untuk manusia.

1. Cukuplah bila aku merasa mulia karena Engkau sebagai Tuhan bagiku dan cukuplah bila aku bangga bahawa aku menjadi hamba bagiMu. Engkau bagiku sebagaimana yang aku cintai, maka berilah aku taufik sebagaimana yang Engkau cintai.
2. Hendaklah kamu lebih memperhatikan tentang bagaimana amalan itu diterima daripada banyak beramal, kerana sesungguhnya terlalu sedikit amalan yang disertai takwa. Bagaimanakah amalan itu hendak diterima?
3. Janganlah seseorang hamba itu mengharap selain kepada Tuhannya dan janganlah dia takut selain kepada dosanya.
4. Tidak ada kebaikan ibadah yang tidak ada ilmunya dan tidak ada kebaikan ilmu yang tidak difahami dan tidak ada kebaikan bacaan kalau tidak ada perhatian untuknya.

1. Orang yang bertakwa itu dikekang.
2. Sesungguhnya syubhat itu pada yang halal.
3. Kemaafan yang utama itu adalah ketika berkuasa.

1. Tidak ada ketaatan bagi kedua ibu-bapa pada perkara syubhat.
2. Sesungguhnya seorang lelaki itu berharta bila dia zuhud di dunia, dan sesungguhnya seorang itu adalah fakir bila dia gemar pada dunia.
3. Menuntut ilmu lebih utama daripada solat sunat."

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