HDD Hard Drive Protection - Automated Reboot to Restore software

Hard Drive Recovery Cards history

The hard drive recovery card was introduced over 20 years ago by many hdd recovery card manufacturers in Asia. The Recovery Card was designed to protect PC hard drives from inadvertant user changes as well as automating the maintenance of PC's. Essentially these recovery cards maintained a consistant PC configuration on every restart...

Initially, the primary difference between restore cards and recovery based software was, that on the recovery cards the software (firmware) is hard coded onto the actual card. In fact Drive Vaccine's birth originated as a hardware based recovery card. Many current hard drive recovery card manufacturers use the hardware card as a simple "dongle", as software piracy is still quite rampant in many developing countries.

How Hardware Based Recovery Cards and Software-based Drive Vaccine Work

Hardware Recovery cards were designed to protect PC's by write protecting the hard drive at the physical sector level, similar to the way that you write protect floppy disks by setting the write protect tab. hardware hdd based restore cards recovery of data using Drive Vaccine

When an application needs to write to the hard drive, HDD restore cards would automatically redirect its file writes to a separate non-write protected area on the hard drive. All attempted changes to the hard drive are recorded in the hidden storage area. Changed data is read from this specific storage area only, instead of the actual hard drive... This gives the user the impression that the changes had been made on the actual hard drive. In reality, the next time the PC is rebooted, all changes are discarded.

This method allows full protection of your computer files while still offering complete access to your system. In essence you entire hard drive become "READ ONLY".

In addition to explicitly protected partitions, most restore cards - protect any non-file system areas (such as the partition map) on any disk drive that contains protected partitions. Drive Vaccine will also refuse a request to do a low-level format on any disk drive that contains protected volumes.

Introducing Drive Vaccine - Software based Hard Drive Protection

Drive Vaccine delivers Automated computer maintenance and restoration - Ideal for PAC's (Public Access Computer environments), classrooms and internet kiosks...

Drive Vaccine's protection is invisible; users feel as though they have absolute control of the Drive Vaccine PC Restore Plus works with Windows Vistasystem. Regardless of what they may attempt to do, including erasing files, installing software or even modifying registry settings, the computers will restore to their configured baseline settings everytime they are restarted, when a user logs-off or one any schedule (daily or weekly). Making the workstations perfectly configured and available for the next user.Drive Vaccine - Restore on restart logoff reboot restore on daily weekly schedule

With Drive Vaccine you can:

Drive Vaccine reboot on restore weekly hourly daily or weekly restoresRestore on Reboot
Drive Vaccine reboot on restore weekly hourly daily or weekly restoresRestore on Log-off
Drive Vaccine reboot on restore weekly hourly daily or weekly restoresRestore on Idle PC (no PC activity)
Drive Vaccine restore on restart log off restore with data freeze space for persistent data storageRestore on an hourly schedule
Drive Vaccine restore on restart log off restore with data freeze space for persistent data storageRestore on a Daily schedule
Drive Vaccine restore on restart log off restore with data freeze space for persistent data storageRestore Daily on first startup of day
Drive Vaccine restore on restart log off restore with data freeze space for persistent data storageRestore on a Weekly schedule
Drive Vaccine restore on restart log off restore with data freeze space for persistent data storageAutomatically accept OS and Anti virus updates
Drive Vaccine restore on restart log off restore with data freeze space for persistent data storageRestore while maintaining specified data files using Drive Vaccine's "Freeze Space"

Access ControlReboot Restore Remote management and Administration Console

Drive Vaccine provides password protection and access control for administrators and teachers. By password protecting a Drive Vaccine protected PC - users can not access the Drive Vaccine application console or modify any restoration settings.

Accomodate Windows OS And Anti-Virus Updates

Drive Vaccine can be configured to easily accommodate Windows OS and Anti-virus updates. No complex batch files, scripting, or scheduling PC downtimes. Drive Vaccine simplifies the process of maintaining updated security patches and virus definitions.

Network Management Control Remote management of Drive Vaccine - for administrator of Schools, libraries, colleges

Drive Vaccine meets the needs of today's network environment. All Drive Vaccine products include a Network Controller Console. The GUI based Network Controller provides a central location for controlling, monitoring and managing workstations across the enterprise.

Simple to use: Just Reboot or Log-off and Restore

One of the most troublesome and recurring tasks for an IT technician is to restore a PC back to a pristine working condition, quickly and easily... Prior to the concept of Drive Vaccine, many administrators of public access workstations were faced with the daunting task of formatting hard drives and reinstalling the OS and software, everytime a PC became inoperable - A time consuming and expensive task for fixing everyday "micro-disasters".
Drive Vaccine PC Restore Plus integrates Reboot-and-Restore, a simple technology designed to keep computers fully functional and optimally configured. In addition to restoring on reboot, Drive Vaccine PC Restore Plus can Restore on User Log-Off and can also maintain a safe "Freeze Space" for file and data storage.

Drive Vaccine Specifications


8.2 MB


(Volume Discounts)


Win 98,2000,XP, Vista

Download Drive Vaccine Now

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Drive Vaccine reboot on restore weekly hourly daily or weekly restoresVideo Demo: Drive Vaccine In Action

Drive Vaccines PC Restore on Reboot or Log-off drastically reduces computer maintenance, and is widely used to protect public access computers, (ie. library public computers, school PC Labs, etc) or shared computing environments where a workstation could be misused or damaged either intentionally by a malicious user or accidentally by a learning student.

Keep PC's Virus and Spyware free

Viruses and spy ware are the most common threats, and new infections slip through the first lines of defense almost daily. In addition, users can also cause unknowing damage by tampering with configuration settings, by installing botched software - damaging the original configuration to a point of no return.

Set Acceptable User Policies

Put in force AUP's by guaranteeing that only approved applications are installed. When protected, Drive Vaccine will not allow configuration changes or installation of any applications to remain on the workstations. This, in effect, blocks the installation of most illegal or unauthorized software.

Enhance The Computing Experience

Drive Vaccine ensures workstation performance is at optimal levels by removing website cookies, spyware, temp files viruses and unnecessary plug-ins; which cause system bottlenecks. Any infections to a "immunized" system are instantly eradicated - workstations are reverted back to their original configuration on every restart or user log-off. Because Drive Vaccine does not restrict access and is transparent to users - Users feel as though they have complete control of the machine; enhancing the end user's computing experience.

Freeze Space - Persistent Storage Space

Administrators, can create a "Freeze space" - a folder space in order to save files for permanent storage. This enables computer users to save files and folders for permanent storage, keeping them exempt from the restoration process. This integrated Freeze Space (virtual-drive) has also been implemented in our latest release of Drive Vaccine PC Restore Plus edition.


Reader Comments

Mutiara Kata

"Kegagalan hari Ini bererti pendorong, namun kejayaan semalam bukan bererti kemegahan, oleh itu gantungkanlah cita-citamu setinggi-tinggi bintang di langit, dan rendahkanlah dirimu serendah-rendah rumput di bumi"

"Sahabat yang beriman ibarat mentari yang menyinar. Sahabat yang setia bagai pewangi yang mengharumkan. Sahabat sejati menjadi pendorong impian. Sahabat berhati mulia membawa kita ke jalan Allah"

"Orang yang cemerlang melihat setiap halangan sebagai peluang untuk mengasah potensi, manakala orang yang tidak cemerlang menganggap setiap halangan sebagai alasan yang menyebabkan kemundurannya"

"Perancangan yang teliti memainkan peranan yang penting dalam hidup manusia, jika anda mempunyai matlamat atau tujuan hidup jelas, anda harus merancangnya dengan teliti agar dapat menuju kearah sasaran dengan tepat"

"Berusahalah dengan ikhlas tanpa memikirkan balasan semata-mata, kerana semakin tinggi keikhlasan di dalam diri, semakin tinggilah balasan baik yang akan diperolehi dalam keadaan sedar atau tidak"

''Sesuatu kejayaan adalah lebih bermakna apabila ia disertai usaha yang bersungguh-sungguh...orang yang mudah berputus asa tidak mungkin beroleh kejayaan yang cemerlang. Biarlah bersusah dahulu, asalkan senang kemudian''

About Me

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Beserah, Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur, Malaysia
"nothing special" ayat xbleh blah..hahaha

1. Sesungguhnya seorang hamba itu bila merasa ujub kerana suatu perhiasan dunia, niscaya Allah akan murka kepadanya hingga dia melepaskan perhiasan itu.
2. Semoga aku menjadi pohon yang ditebang kemudian digunakan.
3. Dia berkata kepada para sahabat,"Sesungguhnya aku telah mengatur urusan kamu, tetapi aku bukanlah org yg paling baik di kalangan kamu maka berilah pertolongan kepadaku. Kalau aku bertindak lurus maka ikutilah aku tetapi kalau aku menyeleweng maka betulkan aku!"

1. Jika tidak karena takut dihisab, sesungguhnya aku akan perintahkan membawa seekor kambing, kemudian dipanggang untuk kami di depan pembakar roti.
2. Barangsiapa takut kepada Allah SWT nescaya tidak akan dapat dilihat kemarahannya. Dan barangsiapa takut pada Allah, tidak sia-sia apa yang dia kehendaki.
3. Wahai Tuhan, janganlah Engkau jadikan kebinasaan umat Muhammad SAW di atas tanganku. Wahai Tuhanku, umurku telah lanjut dan kekuatanku telah lemah. Maka genggamkan (matikan) aku untukMu bukan untuk manusia.

1. Cukuplah bila aku merasa mulia karena Engkau sebagai Tuhan bagiku dan cukuplah bila aku bangga bahawa aku menjadi hamba bagiMu. Engkau bagiku sebagaimana yang aku cintai, maka berilah aku taufik sebagaimana yang Engkau cintai.
2. Hendaklah kamu lebih memperhatikan tentang bagaimana amalan itu diterima daripada banyak beramal, kerana sesungguhnya terlalu sedikit amalan yang disertai takwa. Bagaimanakah amalan itu hendak diterima?
3. Janganlah seseorang hamba itu mengharap selain kepada Tuhannya dan janganlah dia takut selain kepada dosanya.
4. Tidak ada kebaikan ibadah yang tidak ada ilmunya dan tidak ada kebaikan ilmu yang tidak difahami dan tidak ada kebaikan bacaan kalau tidak ada perhatian untuknya.

1. Orang yang bertakwa itu dikekang.
2. Sesungguhnya syubhat itu pada yang halal.
3. Kemaafan yang utama itu adalah ketika berkuasa.

1. Tidak ada ketaatan bagi kedua ibu-bapa pada perkara syubhat.
2. Sesungguhnya seorang lelaki itu berharta bila dia zuhud di dunia, dan sesungguhnya seorang itu adalah fakir bila dia gemar pada dunia.
3. Menuntut ilmu lebih utama daripada solat sunat."

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